Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Share and Share Alike

A trending topic that I've been thinking of is this idea of sharing. Not necessarily in the material but in the non-material as well.

Sometimes its easier to give things monetarily, physically etc. than the things that require time, patience and effort.

How much time have you given to the homeless person on the street that simply wants to have a conversation? To an elderly family member who just wants to spend time with you? To your parents who want you to do your chores without them telling you? To a good friend struggling with a subject in school you've mastered?

This idea of sharing of yourself and giving of yourself is easy enough to do throughout your day.

Think of all of the ways just today that you could've given of yourself, shared some knowledge you have, given time where that's all that was wanted of you...I bet you'd need more than your two hands to add it up.

So my FEARLESS ladies, I challenge you, seek out opportunities to share and give of yourself daily, without expectation of anything in return.

I assure you, the benefits you reap from such a feeling of gratitude will be worth more than the time and effort.


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